Expert data and evaluation consulting services to help you demonstrate your impact

Since 2018, Common Good Data has been helping nonprofits and public sector organizations demonstrate the impact of their work in prevention, mental health, human services, and education.

You’re doing great work. But are you measuring it?

You know that measuring the impact of the programs and services you provide is critical for winning grants, reporting to funders, and scaling the impact of your organization. Research also suggests that organizations who invest in evaluation services may grow faster and be more successful than those who do not.

Common Good Data works with organizations who are committed to developing the evaluation capacity to successfully demonstrate their impact to funders and stakeholders and to learn how to more effectively serve their mission.

We work with organizations who:

  1. Have a clear social mission that advances the common good

  2. Provide programs and services, usually with foundation or government grant support

  3. Are small to midsize organizations who have between 5-40 employees and run an annual budget of $400k+ per year.

  4. Are committed to measuring the impact of their work.

The 3 Keys to Strong Data & Evaluation Work

When working with Common Good Data, you’ll be able to:
  1. Build a strategy for data collection and develop logic models that clearly articulate your goals and performance measures and link them to your programs and services. 

  2. Create rigorous program evaluation designs that ask the right questions and use best practices in survey and focus group design to help gather the information your need to be able to communicate your impact.

  3. Develop clear dashboards, reports, and other means of data visualization will make data simple and easy to understand, so you, your board, and your community can make better decisions. 


Data Strategy

Data is confusing, but it doesn’t have to be. Collaborate with your team to create a theory of change or logic model that demonstrates how your organization is driven for impact.

Program Evaluation

Looking to impress your funders with a strong research design? Learn how the best teams use rigorous evaluation techniques to show how you’re “moving the needle.”

Survey Development

Level-up your data collection skills with the latest techniques in survey design and development to make your data collection simple, elegant, and efficient.

Analysis & Reporting

No more stress - we’ve got you covered. We’ll develop regular reports that demonstrate your impact and impress your funders - so you can focus on what you do best.

Technology Review

Looking to purchase a new case management tool, CRM, or survey software? Make the right decision by having us as your advocate to evaluate vendors and find the product that best fits your organization’s needs.

Board & Coalition Training

Is your nonprofit board or coalition struggling? Learn strategies for strong governance and effective decision-making to strengthen the capacity of your leadership team.

Let’s work together

Interested in working together? Share some details about your project below and we will be in touch shortly.